
Self Love Sessions

Raw, authentic portraits capturing who you are at this amazing moment in your life. These are perfect for graduation photos, maternity, celebrating a momentous occasion, or just celebrating you.

Starting at $1000

Local Graduation Sessions

This is a time worth documenting! These sessions are perfect for anyone living or going to school in Durham, Raleigh, or Chapel Hill and want to do portraits in the Triangle area.

Starting at $600


Families and Newborn Photography

Family and Newborn Photography Sessions

Every family has a story. I am here to help capture yours. Whether that means that your session takes place in your house, cooking dinner or feeding your newborn, or outside, exploring and playing around, let me help document the love and energy that makes your family unique.

Local: Starting at $800

North Carolina: Starting at $1000 +travel

Destination: Staring at $2000 +travel